The Dead Weather is an alternative rock band that formed in Nashville, Tennessee, United States in 2009. They consist of Alison Mosshart (vocals, guitar), Dean Fertita (guitar, more on →
Lauren Sloss
Oct 26, 2010
The first time I heard Kurt Vile just about a year ago, my first thought was "Damn, that's nasty. In a good way." In a "smoked a pack of cigarettes, drank a fifth of Jack, and swaggered up to the mic for the best set you've ever seen" kind of way. It...
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Jason Grishkoff
Sep 15, 2010
Nothing like a little bit of French soul to get your day started! Ben L'Oncle's uptempo cover of The White Stripes' "Seven Nation Army" has created a bit of a stir in Europe this summer, causing some critics to lament the lack of originality to his s...
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Taylor Fife
Jul 8, 2010
It looks like talking about Major Lazer & La Roux's "˜Lazerproof' last week has opened the floodgates for posting about mixtapes here on Indie Shuffle. Don't pretend you're not happy about it, we know we're ecstatic. XLR8R, simply the best electr...
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camden andrews
Aug 1, 2009
I won't lie: I wasn't a big fan of this album. but i'm still compelled to throw this up because i think people should know about this band. it may not translate on CD, but these guys have one of the most raw, powerful live sets I've seen in a long ti...
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